Sunday, November 11, 2007


So normally, I don't like to take medicine. I don't like how it masks how I really feel. I don't like how it can make me feel out of control of my own body. I just don't like it. So you know if I am actually willing to try something, I must be sick. So last night when Court offered me some Ambien (does this make her my "dealer" now?) I took her up on it. I actually think she was a little surprised by how fast I said yes. So after our marathon cooking, once I got back to my place, even though I could have ended up sleep-driving, which would have been especially embarrassing since I didn't wear pants to bed, I took a little blue pill (not the same one as Mr. Dole).

Woo Hoo! I slept last night. All the way to 7 AM, a full five hours longer than I have been for the last week. My hope is, that this has kicked my system back to its regular schedule and I won't have to take another one. But, I am so happy to finally have slept and entire night.


CFG said...

Yay! Glad I could help. I took one too actually - I always have a hard time sleeping when Tom gets home late and this worked like a charm. Hooray sleep!

SKFitz said...

I'm confused: 1) Why would you have sleep-driven if you didn't take the Ambien until you got back to your place? 2) Who would see you without your pants on when you were in bed?

I'm thinking there is a very obvious answer to both of these, and they're probably connected, so please excuse my being a moron.

Oh, btw, yet more evidence that we are kindred spirts - I hate taking medicine too! I especially don't like taking pain killers because if I can't feel the pain, I don't know if things are getting worse or better and then I might not take measures to treat the cause (not the symptoms).

I think Mark is even more wierd than us because when I mentioned that I was on this acne medication he was like "what acne?" (sooo the correct response, good man), and then went on some rant about how I shouldn't be putting poisons in my body and I should just go to the homeopath and get something natural. Next he'll be telling me to go smoke a peace pipe and commune with the spirits...

Angela said...

all of you are crazy. modern medicine and medication is GOOD.

except Ambien (and possibly most drugs that f with your sleeping habits). I'm convinced Ambien will end up like Vioxx (off the shelves!!)

A friend's dad told us last night that he got into two accidents in eight days over the summer, after he started taking Ambien. Not sleep-driving, but slower response time!

Turk said...

Hmm... Sarah, go back and re-read the post. Then if your questions still stand I will answer them.

SKFitz said...

No, I'm sorry, I need it spelled out.