Sunday, November 11, 2007

Adventures in Food

So you may or may not know, Deb is my new FoodBlog girlfriend. She doesn't know either, so it is okay if you were unaware. Last night... er, Saturday night, was that last night? Anyway, Court and I made three of her recipes on once. I have no idea how she makes recipes after work, because starting at 3:30ish Court and I cooked until 8.

Recipe 1: Butternut Squash and Caramelized Onion Gallete

We decided to add bacon, because really, why NOT add bacon?

So good, but we decided more bacon, and maybe some extra cheese on top. You know, just so we can gild the lily.

Recipe 2: Roasted Stuffed Onions

Court was so surprised that I wanted to make this.. onions are not my favorite. This is my Angela approach to getting to like things.

Also, here we decided with the leftover stuffing that didn't fit in the onions, why not add some goat cheese? Really, you can thank us later for our genius.

Oops... we forgot to take a picture of the finished product, just trust me, they were awesome.

Finally: Peanut Butter Brownies

Even with reduced fat peanut butter these were awesome (the reduced fat peanut butter wasn't to save calories, it was just what was on hand. After 5 sticks of butter, I don't think it matters if you use reduced fat or not.)

Obviously, the best picture of the brownies:


Angela said...

ooh, I love onions and I love that you tried those!!

also, I've been wanting to make those peanut butter brownies! but on Deb's page, the chocolate looks cool. Could you not wait until the chocolate was chilled?? :-P

Turk said...

Correct! We were too impatient to let them cool all the way, and to let the chocolate cool.