Friday, November 30, 2007

Spite Cards

So, as most of you know I like sending out Christmas cards. It is something my mom always did growing up. I like receiving Christmas cards even more. Because, even though I get plenty of mail now, growing up December was really the only time of the year I opened mail. (I still love opening mail, so, if you ever feel like sending me something don't let how small and/or dumb it may be hold you back.) I was allowed to open all the cards that had "and family" on the envelope, if they were just addressed to my parents I had to wait (I am not totally sure of the reasoning there, but thems the rules).

I see this whole Christmas card thing with my family (friends are excluded since I know not all of them send out cards) as a tit for tat kind of thing. For example, if I send my Aunt Larry (names changed in case someone ever stumbles across this blog... or I tell someone to check it out and forget I posted this) a card , I expect one in return from her, because I know she sends one to my mom. For the past 5 years I have sent her a card. Guess how many I have gotten in return... go ahead, guess.

You are a genius! You are right, 0. Zero cards.

One would say maybe I should just stop sending her cards. But...I can't. I am physically unable to stop. What if she finds out I sent one to Aunt Curly and Uncle Moe and not her? It doesn't matter that she never sends me one. If she were to find out, I could never go to Christmas again.

Now, Aunt Larry isn't the only one who doesn't return cards. Many of my cousins don't reciprocate either. Again, I know they send them out, with pictures of their children, because my mom gets them. I don't even need the pictures, just send me the damn card!

So now, these are my Spite Christmas cards. I will send them out to be the "better" person, to wish them the JOY of the holiday season. Of course all at the same time I am mad that I am sending them a damn card.

I am a complicated human being.

And yes, I know I should see someone about this.


CFG said...

I don't send you a card, either, but I don't send ANYONE cards! So is that OK? Plus you did get two thank you cards from me this year. Just pretend they had some holly on them and we'll call it even.

Turk said...

I said friends were exempt!

Angela said...

it's ok, Andrea, just let it out! :-P