Friday, November 09, 2007

Doop... part 2

But this one has nothing to do with being mistaken for a homeless person!

Point the first: I lost NaBloPoMo... I forgot to blog yesterday. Oops, sorry, my bad. Oh well, this weekend was going to be touch and go anyway. Maybe, I will revise to only blog during the week. Then I just have to make up for yesterday.

Point the second: I forgot it was my sister Carol's 40th Birthday today! Happy Birthday! I called her, because there is no chance she reads this blog. I am not even sure she knows it exists. However, with five kids I am pretty sure that they would not be a priority for her. Especially since they aren't even really celebrating her birthday. :(

Point the third: I am tired. I have been all week. This is what I am blaming the lack of blogging yesterday on. I went to bed at 9:30. The problem is that I have been waking up really early. I have no problems falling asleep, but I wake up way before my alarm (I am not sure how early because I can't actually read the clock... but early). This is starting to piss me off. Stupid body.

Point the fourth (and final): Support the WGA!

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