Monday, November 12, 2007

Single, Thin, and Neat

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

So, I think my work crush is gay. What do I have to back up this suspicion? Nothing. Not one good thing, except for the fact that he is single, thin, and neat.

So why do I think he is gay? A) I don't really think he is gay, or at least I am not sure he is gay. B) I don't really care if he is gay, it's not like anything was going to happen anyway(which annoys Angela to no end, I know...btw, UPDATE).

So, really, why do I think he is gay? When I first started crushing, I had no suspicions and I usually have pretty good gaydar. Well, I googled him. He has a very unique name, so I am confident that most of the returns that are in English are from him/in reference to him. Most of the returns were all about work, but there was one, a blog reference that intrigued me (I mean besides the entries for j-pouch ...only click that link if you really want to know more than is probably healthy). Now, the post I found is completely innocent. It is one person wishing another, the crush, "a darling man," a happy birthday.

What about that would make me think he is gay? Nothing, except the author of the blog is apparently a gay man. That's it. But really, how many straight men have gay-man friends? Maybe more than I think, but once I saw that, something just.... clicked in my brain.

And then, of course, he is thin and neat.

So, am I crazy?


CFG said...

Hey! Tom used to be "single, thin and neat." And he used to have gay friends. He's not gay. He did offer to gaydar your guy though.

Personally, and I bet Angela will agree, I think you're saying you think he's gay to psych yourself out and/or make it acceptable not to make a move. Make a move! Is he going to this work happy hour with you this week? Or tell him about the burrito guy and go get burritos! And get me one also.

Turk said...

I can see that too. Although, if I make him gay in my head, I will be able to talk to him easier (because I am not afraid of what he is thinking about me).

I am crazy, I accept this.

Anonymous said...

how did j-pouches become part of this blog?? does he have IBD? maybe that's why he is thin!

SKFitz said...

Do you know what is very, very annoying? I commented on this post, after Court, but before Turk. And I've just discovered that it never showed up! Damn You! But, what's interesting is that what Turk said about thinking he's gay makes it easier to talk to him is exactly what I wrote! But I took a whole colourful paragraph to say it. Why does the computer eat things?!