Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Don't I look cute in this


I think so, but I am going to keep the tags on until I get the cardigan and shoes to go with it.


happy bunny said...

no. i can't say that you like very cute in it at all.

you do look rather cute in it though. :,P love the color even for you, friend of casper.

Angela said...

oh man, my sister totally called you a ghost!

you look mahvelous, dahling! (yes, I'm going to talk like this all the time now)

Turk said...

Yes, I know I am pale...but the choices are pale and red, so I don't know.

What is the difference between very cute and rather cute?

happy bunny said...

you dopes. you all focused on the casper comment rather than the call-out for titling the post, "don't i like cute in this?"

don't i like cute? that's not english you ninnies.

and rather cute is a good amount of cute, balanced with looking beautiful. cause very cute would make you a cabbage patch doll, limited edition.

Turk said...

heh...I didn't even notice the typo.