Friday, January 05, 2007


Well Hello there... Long time no see.

I know, I know, I am a horrible blogger. Would you like an excuse?

a) I was abducted by aliens. They took me to their ship and preformed tests on me. Sadly, they did not have an Internet connection for me to use while up there and now my memory of the whole ordeal is very foggy. That must be a side effect of the anal probe.

b) I hate everyone.

c) My life really isn't all that interesting and I don't have a cute dog or baby to talk about all of the time. Just a TV (okay, not just a TV; it's the greatest TV in the world, but still, you don't want to hear about it, I know, trust me).

So, no I haven't been updating, what do you want to know about? Hmm, my dating life you say?

I say..HA!

There isn't one. I tried eHarmony for three months (it was special offer), I didn't meet anyone. A friend tried to set me up with a guy from her Swing class, to put it mildly he was a dud (ask me about the emails and John Paul the Great). (Um,excuse me? Exactly.)

Currently, I am accepting any and all offers to be set up and/or to go on dates.
Do you know someone between 25 and 31? A geek? In the DC metro area?(Soon, but not yet, I may be desperate enough to date long distance... it depends on when Karen gets engaged.) Send them my way.

Sorry Abs, but please, no LARPers.

I could pretend to make a New Year's resolution at this point, promising to update more often, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

1 comment:

SKFitz said...

Yay for updating Turk! Way to bite the bullet :)

I'll be on the lookout for you and me both in New Zealand!