Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So sad.

So, last night Court, Angela, and myself attempted to watch the season finale of GG. I say attempted because the tape we used to record the episode (because as you remember we were out for my birthday) was total crap.

I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say we could get clear audio about 10% of the time and a clear picture about 2% of the episode.

But, Court and I persevered (Angela read a magazine) and we watched anyway. I am not inclined to say it was worth it... but I feel that is a direct result of not actually being able to follow the whole story line since, well you know fuzzy and whatnot. Hopefully Sarahkat will allow us to borrow her tape (although apparently she cut off the last two minutes... which we were actually able to piece together) and that will tide us over until next season.

Sadly, this is not the first time I have watched the unwatchable. I am sure at least one sibling remembers me watching 3-2-1 contact or Bill Nye the Science Guy on a channel we didn't so much as get. But at least there I had most of the audio.


Angela said...

Hey do you like grammar? Because I lurrrrve it. And I know that you know that it's "Courtney, Angela and -I- attempted..." right? :)

After last night's freak occurence, I just want to say I will have the whole summer to hate GG again. Oh, don't you worry. There should be just enough death in the last season of Six Feet Under...

CFG said...

Man, Angela's worse than me. Miss Manners (or wait, maybe it was Carolyn Hax!) says that if someone says something grammatically incorrect, but you both know what they meant, it's impolite to correct them. Abi's dad says if you don't want to end a sentence with a preposition, you should end it with "slut." Like, "Where's your boyfriend at, slut?" Ha ha.

Turk said...

I don't need no stinkin' grammar. I hate it. I snub my nose at it.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's no longer grammatically incorrect to end a sentence with a preposition. As a side note, it's also acceptable to split infinitives. Afterall, who wouldn't want "to boldly go where [you've] never gone before"?

Turk said...

Hey! I knew that about the preposition thing... I read Tomato Nation and all of the grammar goodness that Sars teaches us. If I don't alwasy follow that well...

Anonymous said...

So, the weekend's already over and I haven't managed to make my way over with my tape. Let me know when I should bring it, beacuse you really do need to see and hear Mama Lane in all her glory to fully appreciate this episode.