Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Jake vs. Johnny

I am so confused as to what I should do! I watched Sixteen Candles last week and weekend, but then I received 21 Jump Street in the mail yesterday... So, of course I had to watch at least the pilot episodes last night (and convince myself that I don't actually have to watch both discs). I love Sixteen Candles, but 21 Jump Street was just so badly good that I really want to review/recap it RIGHT NOW; I suddenly understand Meg Wood better. I am torn as to what I should put up here next. Plus, I still have Ferris Bueller's Day Off at home to watch. And of course I don't want to send that one back and not watch it; I would just have to put it right back in the queue. But I can't get any more DVDs until I return it or Jump Street, and I can't think of a better way to spend a weekend than watching a marthon of the first season (I only currently have the first two DVDs) of the best of cheesy-'80s TV (I mean, do we really think Doug Penhall would have worn a "Just Say No to Drugs" shirt at any point in this supposed TV show world?). Imagine it... snacks... laptop... comfy bed or couch...the only care in world being whether our fearless baby-faced cops are going to get their covers blown. What else could a girl want? Okay, maybe a man-servant to feed me bon bons and scratch my head, but other than that?... Okay maybe a new Mustang and a house for free too, but other than that?... Fine, world peace, and an end to world hunger, blah blah blah, but really, other than that? You got it, nothing, there is nothing better. I'm glad you see it my way.

Decisions, decisions. I wish all of my problems were as trivial as this.

UPDATE: My perfect plan is foiled the first season is 4 DVDs long, yet my membership to Netflix is only three at a time. Curses!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate to point this out and ruin your marathon with Johhny and the rest of the gang, but don't you have to make an appearance at a First Communion this weekend?