Friday, June 23, 2006

Riddle me this Interweb...

So, let's say you are working on putting coat two (of three) of polyurethane on your soon to be refinshed floor with your father...

And suddenly...

You hear the hippity hop sex from upstairs start-up, and apparnetly they are really in tune with each other this week - because the moaning? Which you usually only hear if you are in the bathroom? You can hear in the living room while you are working on the floors with your FATHER.

So, what is the appropriate respone in this situation?

A) Make a joke. Hey, that's what I would have done if it had been anybody else with me. But if I make a joke to my dad, then he will know that I know what sex is (shut up, I know I am 27 and have known about sex for the past 20 or so years, but still).


B) Studiously ignore. Hoping he doesn't realize what it is; or that he can't even hear it, because he is losing his hearing and why call attnetion to sommething that may be a little weird to talk about. (I didn't even like watching parts of 16 Candles with my parents when I was younger.)

Personally? I choose B. But, now I wonder if he did hear it and we were both ignoring what was going on. Obviously this is over thinking the situation, but I wonder what others would have done in this situation.

PS - It must have been pre-party sex, becuase now it sounds like there are more people up there (usually Friday night is a big night for them, but they usually go out afterwards - Why do I need to know and share that?).

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