Friday, April 07, 2006


You might think this was going to be a witty post about the gym; either that or some entreaty to not buy products from Wal-Mart or Kathie Lee or some such... but then you obviously don't know me or my blog.

No this is about my working conditions for the past 3 hours.

As you know I work for the Federal Government, in a very nice, very large, Federal Government building. Sadly though, my floor has no windows. We do have some skylights, but those are only around the edges of the floor, not really close to where anyone sits.

Often time the service center that I work for is referred to as "sweatshop" because we do the most actions or any of the 4 service centers in my division.

Today, this was especially true, but not because of the work. Today it is because we had no lights. NO LIGHTS.

No lights + No windows = I am writing this entry by the glow of my computer screen.

Sweatshop. I wonder, would the union approve of these conditions?

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