Friday, November 04, 2005


please on how I can work this shoe into a holiday ensemble. Really, I just need a good excuse to buy it in the next two months. Why? Because I WANT it ... what other reason do I need? I promise I will wear it all of the time. It can go with work clothes and casual clothes. It is a multi-purpose shoe. And, it is cute.


Angela said...

I lurrrrve those shoes. T-straps are so in, which makes YOU in, and you know what that means! Better lunch table! Oh yeah.

I'm eyeing a pair myself from Nordstrom...

Turk said...

The shoes should be at my house when I get home from work. I can't wait. Now the clothing that I ordered has to show up and I will be ready for the holidays.

SKFitz said...

Do a fashion show!