Sunday, August 07, 2005


Don't get excited, this isn't the Ferris Bueller post. Instead, this is about Condo Search '05.

Today I began the great Condo search. I met with my realtor, Lori, to look at places in DC. Besides the fact that she isn't Bob Goldfinger (whom I haven't even met), she seems pretty nice.

I saw a few places, from the very small (less than 400 sq. ft.) to the very '70s (half cylindrical (originally I forgot the "n" in cyliNdrical and the spell checker suggested "clitoris" as the replacement word... heh) roofs and a lot of shiny aluminum (...on the outside). There was one promising place, I am just not sure of the neighborhood (anyone know about 13th St. close to Colorado Ave (and Colorado Kitchen)?).

So, if you have any ideas of what I should look for, where I should look, know someone who is selling, or what questions I should ask when I see places leave a comment.

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