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My first picture!
Update: 09.01.05
Man this is going to be dangerous. Thank goodness I only have a 16 MB memory card....for now, ha.
Watch this space! I just bought a new camera... so be ready to see some pictures here.
So the National Zoo is allowing the public to vote on the new panda's name. We get five choices there.
However, as many people have pointed out, the most obvious choice, Butterstick, has been left off of the ballot.
Until now that is. Do you think you really have to leave your email to vote?
So, when I came down to bed tonight The Spider had returned. (Which makes me think he has been visiting every night. There is no telling how many times he has watched me go to the bathroom.) This time, since I was home all alone (nobody loves me, sniff, they all left for the weekend), I took the advice I had been given and threw George at The Spider.
No. Literally. I threw him.
Don't judge me.
I really did try to just coax him (George) into the bathroom first, but to be really successful with that I would have had to put myself between George and The Spider. Which... no. So, since time is always of the essence when dealing with large arachnids, I tossed George into the bathroom in the general vicinity of The Spider.
At first I was worried George wouldn't be interested (The Spider wasn't moving), but after a few second things started to happen. A little movement. A little flipping. A little chasing back under the wall. And The Spider was back on his side of the basement.
So, while not dead maybe at least a little scared off of this side. And, I am not actually sure I want The Spider gone. I have noticed an amazing drop in the number of Spider Crickets compared to last year.
Maybe The Spider and I can work out a time-share on the bathroom.
Oh, also, originally I was going to put a different spider picture or fact with each time I used "The Spider" and then I couldn't because it grossed me out too much to look through all of the pictures. I can't help it! They give me the heebie-jeebies.
So, I was listening to the local "Classic Rock" station while going to sleep last night when Nirvana comes on the radio.
That's right, that Nirvana.
Now, I realize Nevermind came out in 1991, and they had apparently started in 1987. But, Nirvana, Classic Rock? In the same sentence?
Is this what it feels like to get old?
I think I need to go lay down.
PS: Have we noticed that I post more often when people aren't around? I have no one to play with :(
The itsy, bitsy spider, climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
So the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again.
Yeah, we all know the song (even if some people say eensy weensy - Dorks). It's cute...ish. However, this does not protect you from them when they invade your bathroom. Why are all the big bugs going after me?
I was visited this morning by a very large brownish-blackish fuzzy spider this morning in the bathroom. And I do mean large, it was at LEAST 75% larger than a US quarter. He was sitting next to the toilet against the wall (that is shared with Ron's "workshop" - read "pot greenhouse" - okay I don't actually know what it is, but he is mighty secretive about it)watching me pee with everyone of his eight beady little blood-sucking eyes.
Obviously I got out of there as soon as possible, skipping part of my morning routine, and of course I shut the door firmly behind me so that he couldn't roam the apartment while I was gone.
I know he didn't use the door to get in, but I was already thinking about when I got up to go to the bathroom last night without turning on the light. I needed a false sense of security that he wouldn't be in my bed when I got home. (Oh gross! He could have come from anywhere in the apartment including my bed.) What if I had stepped on him? What if he bit me?
Maybe this was because I didn't like Spiderman 2.
Don't get excited, this isn't the Ferris Bueller post. Instead, this is about Condo Search '05.
Today I began the great Condo search. I met with my realtor, Lori, to look at places in DC. Besides the fact that she isn't Bob Goldfinger (whom I haven't even met), she seems pretty nice.
I saw a few places, from the very small (less than 400 sq. ft.) to the very '70s (half cylindrical (originally I forgot the "n" in cyliNdrical and the spell checker suggested "clitoris" as the replacement word... heh) roofs and a lot of shiny aluminum (...on the outside). There was one promising place, I am just not sure of the neighborhood (anyone know about 13th St. close to Colorado Ave (and Colorado Kitchen)?).
So, if you have any ideas of what I should look for, where I should look, know someone who is selling, or what questions I should ask when I see places leave a comment.