Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Things that make you go hmmm...

Two things:

1) I don't think I am actually going to limit myself to the '80s... but just review teen movies in general. And, actually I may be a little loose on the "teen" aspect of the movies too. I know, I know, not even 24 hours with a blog and I am already changing my shtick (I think I may spell it with the "c" anyway; I just like it better. I will use the "c" if I ever say schtick on the blog again... and there it is). It probably would have been better to say that I will be reviewing movies that were a large part of my formative years.

2) How do we feel about a man reading a smut novel? The novel in question was One for the Money by Janet Evanovich. I have read this book, part of the Stephanie Plum series. A short run down: she is a bail bond officer who ends up in ca-razy situations, usually involving a murder and her car being destroyed in some fashion. Along the way there is sex (normally with an on again off again love interest and occasionally another bail bonder). Overall it is not a bad smut novel. I have read the rest of the series and have enjoyed each book. I think my big hang up is that it was a man reading the book.

I didn't have a problem with him reading it. It was just... strange. Now, I have been thinking, what could have brought this man to the point of reading this book? I noticed it was a library book, so maybe he picked it up thinking it was more of a "whodunit" and didn't realize it was a smut novel. This is actually a fairly viable option since, if I remember correctly, there wasn't all that much smut. But he still would have had to go into the adult/women's literature section to pick it out. Now, another option, I also noticed that he was married. Maybe his wife checked it out and he borrowed it from her since he was out of reading material for the commute. Because, while he seemed to be engrossed, he wasn't all that far in. It could be either of these options, a combination of the two, or a number of others, however still weird to me. Regardless, I have spent entirely too much time contemplating this man and his book.

Dude, I just checked the amazon link I posted above, and of the like 4 reviews, three of them were written by men. Is there some sort of secret society out there for men that read smut? Well, I guess that's not it since these three guys would have ruined it for all the other members. Maybe, Janet Evanovich just translates well for men. Still....you know, smut.


Angela said...

I think you and I are the same person. I stare at people on the metro and I endlessly make up explanations for them, especially if they're reading something I can judge or use as a clue into the life I imagine for the person in my head! There should be a blog devoted to just that! People you see on your commute and what you think of them.

I'm trying to think of movies that made my formative years, but I can only think of books...can you be like Meg Wood the librarian and expand to book review?? Look at me, making sassy suggestions already :P

Turk said...

Sassy - I could do book reviews, but I feel they would mostly be about smut. And don't worry, I will tell you what movies should have been big for you during your formative years. I already have a list of +70.

Anonymous said...

Pavo, as long as you cover The Breakfast Club, I'll be happy as a pig in shit.

My dad had me read what I would call a smut novel, though perhaps others would call it airplane reading, because it was written by one of his clients. I struggled to explain that I read for characters, to get to know the crazy folks who live inside authors' collective heads, and that therefore, despite being a great lover of books, this one was not for me. I think there might be a general misconception out there as to what the parameters are -- and any good leftist professor would chastize me for saying this, but it's something we've come to expect from our literature. You expect to see women reading smut; consequently, when there is a man on the red line, ostensibly married and "normal," it throws you off. I expect to get a feel for the human condition, for the era; hence, said publication was not for me.

In other news, I'm leaving on Monday ... back to the copper mine. I think I'll have to leave the papers for Carolina and Chicago signed here and have my parents send them in should the letters from 3 more places not arrive. Does that make me a PhD two- or three-timer?

I look forward to reading your site while I'm with mis queridos mineros rotos and hopefully I'll write in mine anew. O|:) (that's me with a hardhat)

Turk said...

Allison, I think you may in fact be too "high-brow" for this blog. :) Have fun in the mines!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I think I've known more guys who've read the Anita Blake books than girls.. do they count?

Turk said...

Anita Blake, while only smut in the beginning has basically moved into PORN at this point. I also think there is vampire/sci-fi/fantasy factor to take into account with those books.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I think we are triplets...I am always trying to figure out who the people on my commute are.

Yay for Turk's new blog!