Saturday, February 23, 2008

Turk "Crazy Eyes" Brunsman

So, I bought fake eyelashes today....



With mascara:

What do you think?

I am unsure. I think they have potential, but I need way more practice.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

By Popular Vote

Or, not really... more like a decree... the winning name of my bike:


Yes after Lost, but I feel like it may also make me feel all hurley and/or it may hurl me off the seat.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I want to ride my Bicycle!

( you should have been hearing Queen in your head)

The bike is awesome. But I am afraid of it.. it is the scariest bike I have ever been on. The tires are so small... and I, I am not small. I feel like I will break it, and I am terrified of crashing (it doesn't help that when I went for my test ride I totally crashed into a hanging "for sale" sign).

Regardless, I feel I will grow to love this bike (but that may not be until after my ass builds up calluses). In an effort to encourage these feeling I think it needs a name and you know what that means? Vote!

1) Bicicleta
2) Mr. McBike
3) Sir Bikes-a-lot
4) Roberto