Thursday, March 22, 2007

I didn't see Jack or anyone else from Lost

... but it was still a pretty good vacation.

I will post more later, but you can go here for some pictures.

A Quick Summary:

* 0 - the number of days I slept in... actually, most days we woke up at 6:30, which is earlier than I normally do.

* 1 - the number of former boy-band members I saw at the airport.

* 2 - the number of times I went swimming in the ocean... my parents don't swim, so beach time was limited.

* 3 - the number of times I had Cincinnati Chili in the 4 days surrounding the trip that I was in Cincinnati.

* 4 - number of rental cars we had, sadly none of them were of the convertabile or Mustang style.

* 5 - number of hours it takes to fly to/from California (LAX or SFO).

* 6 - this is harder than it looks.

* 7 - Number of nights we actully spent in Hawaii.

* 8 - Are you even reading anymore? Do the numbers mean anything to you? This ideas seemed better when I first started.

* 9 - I like even numbers better than odd numbers, excpet for multiples of 5.

* 10 - Number of planes I flew on.

* 11 - AM, the time we arrived in Cincinnati on Wednesday, after leaving Honolulu at noonish on Tuesday. It takes a long time to get home.

* 12 - the number of take-offs I have had in the last two weeks (11 from planes, 1 from a helicopter).

And now, I need another vacation.