Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wanna see

Where I grew up?

I figured that most, if not all, of you would never see my home. So, here is a little bit of a picture tour:

(1) house; (2) side yard; (3) the back hill (the BEST sledding hill EVER); (4) The Ohio garden (the Indiana garden is bigger, although not as big as it used to be); (5) the other side of the house; (6) And, just because, a picture of my Grandpa's feed mill.

Walk Away

So, I think I might like the music of Kelly Clarkson. Should I be ashamed? Regardless, I have now included her album in my iTunes shopping cart.

I am conflicted.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Doing my part

I just realized, that I haven't purchased gas since April 17th, and I will not being buying more gas until, at the earliest, June 1.

I love living in the city.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I feel pretty, oh so...

So I just got the new clothes that I ordered from Old Navy and I want to wear them out. However, since some people (CoughCourtandTomCough) were late leaving a certain NY law school, I am unable to wear them out tonight. I have to wait until WEDNESDAY!

Wednesday, can you believe it?

Well, maybe you can since it isn't really all that far away. But, I am one of "those" people. If I buy something I want to wear it/use it/eat it as soon as I have said item in my hot little hands. So, instead of people seeing how cute I am in my new clothes, I am laying in bed in my new clothes blogging about it.

Okay, that is sad. I should delete this. But, as this is one of the more interesting things that has happened recently (I need a life), and I am avoiding my condo association meeting, I will leave it here to mark my new low (almost as low as my pants, which I didn't realize when I bought them were "ultra-low rise", d'oh).

Sunday, May 21, 2006


of the way through sanding! Woo Hoo!

Oh wait, crap. That's totally not true.

I am 1/3 of the way though the first course (out of two) of sanding. Which is really only approximately one-eighteenth of the way thorugh the total project (this depends on how many coats of stain and sealer I use). Hmmm, I wonder if I can get away with only sanding one time?

Man, why did I have to go and start thinking about this? I thought I was doing so well. :(

Step 1, day 1:

Step 2, day 2:

Step 2, day 3:

Wikipedia, I love you, but did I need to know this?

"(Vladimir) Putin is not circumcised and has said so himself."

Blog I know I have been ignoring you, and for that I am sorry

UPDATE: 9:44 PM - I just found out - While in Sweden, I will be living above a bar. This should be awesome. I feel hilarity will surely ensue.

I don't even have a good excuse, it's not like I have been too busy... oh wait maybe that is my excuse, there has been little to blog about. Except for now; there are mutiple projects in the works! So be excited, as you can tel by use of the exclamation point, I am.

First up: Fraking* Sweden**!

Many of you already know this, but for anyone who just happens to push "next blog," be jealous - for two whole weeks I will be in Sweden. That's right, SWEDEN - land of Ikea, home of the Göta Canal (yeah, I didn't know it was a big deal either), and defender of lingonberries and pickled herring for breakfast and Surströmming at the end of summer (why, why would they put that in their mouths?"

Oh man, I just realized, I might get to go to a real smorgasbord! Rock! Even if I am afarid to "start with the cold fish" plates first as Lonely Planet suggests.

Anyway, I will be staying with my sister Elaine and her family in Linköping (I believe pronounced Lin-co-ping), you can see on the map below it is southwest of Stockholm.

Again, according to Lonely Planet, Linkoping is known for its medieval cathedral and "the bloodbath of Linköping." Hmm, sounds fun?

So, if you want any souvenirs or would like to make a donation you know where to find me.

* If you are already familiar with this word...please, be my friend.

** I love you CIA World Factbook.