Sunday, February 12, 2006


The weatherpersons were finally right!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Under da sea

So I took my hair out of its ponytail this afternoon and started combing it out with my fingers. I quickly decided this job needed more than just my fingers (too much product this morning) and I looked in my desk drawer to get out the comb I usually keep in there. After a quick perusal I did not see it anywhere... but I did see a fork.

For all of 3 seconds I contemplated using it, but then I saw some food schmack on it and decided I didn't want the hassle.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Court made me do it.

So I too saw this over at dooce and various other blogs, but I wasn't going to inflict it on anyone. That is until Courtney MADE me do it.

Four jobs I've had

1. Paramount's Kings Island - Rides associate and supervisor. I worked on such rides as Kenton's Cove Keel-Boat Canal, The Beast, Outer Limits Flight of Fear, The Viking Ship, The carousel, Monster, The Scrambler, Adventure Express, and The Racer.
2. Newport Aquarium - Intern. That means I got to feed the sharks, stingrays and clean out the penguin habitat.
3. Ford's Theater - Intern. There are two main jobs at Ford's Theater, stand in front of 400 people and talk about Lincoln's Assassination and the history of the theater (only one wall is original) or sit across the street at The Petersen House, the House where Lincoln died (none of it is real, no not even the wall paper you are now touching, dork).
4. US EPA - Contract Specialist - It is every bit as exciting as it sounds.

Four movies I can watch over and over

1. Love Actually
2. Bend it Like Beckham
3. 16 Candles
4. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Four places I have lived

1. Age 0 - 18 my parent's house in Cincinnati
2. Age 18 - 19 6144 Denton Hall, University of Maryland
3. Age 20 - 21 Somerset Hall, University of Maryland, where I first met Abi, the weird girl who used to sit at the desk at Denton. Abi of course led me to the House of BJ's and Courtney. (see how I worked an extra one in?)
4. Present - Condo on Scott Circle, NW Washington, DC.

Four TV shows I love

1. Gilmore Girls
2. Daily Show*
3. Conan O'Brien**
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer***

Four places I've vacationed

1. Santiago, Chile - Visiting Jamon. It was awesome, except for the whole falling out of the tepee and hurting my ankle part.
2. Lueven, Belgium - Visiting Rachel - I brought home 11 pounds of chocolate.
3. Various Locations, Belize - Okay technically it was a class... but it so wasn't.
4. Louisville, OH - Visiting my sister and making her lots of food.

Four of my favorite dishes

1. Ma Po Tofu - the recipe from Cooking Light
2. Red Beans and Rice - my dad's recipe
3. Cincinnati Chili - preferably Skyline
4. Armond's Pizza

Four sites I visit daily

1. Dooce
2. Wikipedia
3. Tomato Nation
4. WWdN: IN Exile

Four places I would rather be right now

1. In my bed
2. Cincinnati
3. On vacation
4. My parent's house (is that like saying Cincinnati twice? I don't care)

Four people I am tagging (I am double tagging people since a) Court already tagged them, and b) I don't have any other friends)

1. Angela
2. Sarah
3. Abi
4. Christina (hmm... I am not sure if she reads my blog, but I read her blog... I will have to send her an e-mail, same with Abi)

* I love it I just can't watch it due to the lack of cable
** I love it, I just don't stay up that late anymore
*** I loved it, but it is no longer on anymore